30 November 2005

Silly Christmas Song Lines

You've sang the lines before and never really quite understood them:

Don we now our gay apparel!

Really . . . all homosexual references aside (rainbow scarves, upside down pink triangle bra cups), the other image that comes to mind is the frightening green puff painted sweatshirt that had a jingly bell on it which Mrs. (insert teacher's name here) wore back in 4th grade. Does anyone really want to don "gay apparel?"

So drop a line here . . . share some silly lines from holiday tunes here as we get ready for this festive season of decking, donning and deering (as in Dasher)!


Ciona said...

"Please have snow and mistletoe and presents on the tree."

I'll be Home for Christmas is a sweet song. I don't know about your family, but mine never puts presents on the tree.

What presents could actually fit on a tree anyway? Money!!!! In which case, this is a BRILLIANT line that my family needs to adopt this year for sure! :)

DogBlogger said...

"Up on the housetop, reindeer pause..."

I think I was in college before I actually saw that line in print, noticed that the word "pause" was not "paws," which shouldn't have ever made sense to me anyway, because -- wait a minute -- hey, reindeer don't have PAWS, they have hooves!!!

And I'm an English major, too...