18 April 2005


So I really like the reality show SuperNanny. I don't know why. I don't have children or plan on having children anytime in the near future. I'm not a super maternal gal who plans how she will raise her children before she has even a date. But I dig the show and have been looking forward to a new episode for many weeks now.

Finally tonight a new episode arrives only for me to realize it's the same episode that comes on every week. Bad seeds cry, kick, scream. Bad seeds spit at or swear at "mummy." Jo says, "That's enough. I need to get there right away!" Jo gives parents a schedule and lessons on how to be adults. Bad seeds hate the schedule and the parents' new ability to actually be adults. Jo introduces the naughty ________ (insert chair, room, mat, stair depending on episode). Jo leaves, and everything returns to as it was before Jo. Jo returns to save the day and let the parents know what they did wrong. Jo leaves again, but this time the kids hug and kiss her and the parents thank her for making their previous miserable existence become the Brady household. Update rolls and viewers see the most angelic children in the world playing with the happiest parents in the world. Another happy SuperNanny rescue.

Maybe I'll start going to bed earlier on Mondays.


Ciona said...

Yes . . . parenting is a huge deal!!! You have to go to school for everything. You get a ticket, driver's school is in your future. You have to have a license before you can drive. Want a job? Go to school, learn to count and read. You can't work at McDonald's without some education or training. But please, please, please give birth to a living, breathing creature and raise it to be a decent human being without any education requirements. I mean, I know it's unrealistic for the government to impose a parent license. But wouldn't that maybe save a lot of little lives? I dunno . . .

Jonathon said...

Hey Ciona,
My wife, Jen, and I watch SuperNanny every week. We love it. In fact my 3 year old Jonas watches it with us- it's hilarious. All it is- is good ole practical common sense stuff- but for some reason, when it comes to parenting sometimes the common sense goes OUT THE DOOR.

I'm glad to have found you in the blog-o-sphere. Shalom friend.
