28 September 2006

September, September!!!

I realize that I failed to record last week after the much-anticipated Sept. 21 return of Grey's Anatomy. I've been waiting only the entire summer for last Thursday. I went to NY, though, and I made it home from dinner JUST after the series title/cast sequence, so I missed the first few minutes of the show (NYC transportation at its finest!) much to my chagrin. But I was thrilled all the same!

But tonight is the big night to watch the full episode in the comfort of my sister's apartment, surrounded by food and a few friends. I'm excited. Last week's episode was amazing (thanks for asking, Lane)! It wasn't filled with too many shocks, twists and turns, but I thought that made it a pleasant season opener! Can't wait to see what happens with Izzie's character. Those were great scenes with her sprawled on the floor. And both McVet and McDreamy are in the race for Meredith's heart . . . should be fun! I was thrilled when both of them proclaimed their interests, so I have no clue which I prefer. McVet for a while, I guess, because I don't want Chris O'Donnell going anywhere anytime soon.

Grey's aside, real life is good . . . I'm still living in the White House in Brentwood, and it's lovely. My room is a mess, but the house is lovely. I miss Hillsboro Village more than I ever imagined and look forward to returning to Nashville one of these days. It's just not the same. I'm working on a promotional video for the Youth Service Fund, and that has been fun. I'm still writing for other UM publications and have a book idea or two wading through my mind. I've been volunteering with the youth at church more often, and I love it. Bellydancing is still a blast, and I'm working on a choreography for late October when one of my favorite tabla talents comes to town: Raquy and the Cavemen. Our all-church retreat is next week, so Shane will be here soon. Yay!

I like this about Shane's contract for speaking at an event: Being mindful of the impact that our hyper-mobile pace and fuel use have on Creation, and of the fragility of the current patterns of consumption that have led to wars over natural resources and the degradation of God’s earth, Shane has a commitment to offset the ecological impact of his travel. There are two ways a group hosting Shane to speak can participate: either have a group of folks fast (go without) oil for a day the week Shane visits (a good guideline would be, at least one person go without fuel one day for every 100 miles Shane travels) -- this may mean something as simple as carpooling or biking to work or as imaginative as converting your car to run off used veggie oil (awip.us) –OR- (less exciting) you can add an additional $100 to the honorarium and Shane will donate that to a group dedicated to erasing the footprint his travel has on the environment. For more information on this, check out demotorize.org.

Thanks for reading my hodge podge of life and tv . . .

Ciao, ciao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice post about one of my favorite shows!